Note: All unframed prints will come rolled in a tube. Please inquire at clarkkelleyprice@gmail.com if you would like your canvas print mounted or gallery wrapped.
About this Art:
I chose this title because it seemed to fit the character of Jesus and also, it is what most of us need to hear or would want to hear from God if he was speaking to us in a bad situation. Those words would be very comforting to us in our time of need. The scriptures do not say what Jesus said to Peter after Peter fell in the water during the storm, but Jesus reached out and took a hold of Peter and pulled him up next to him. It also does not say how they got back in the boat but I assume that Jesus encouraged Peter to finish his walk on the water. I can see them walking together. I think we all have felt Jesus walking with us, giving us his love and encouragement as we face what seems to be the impossible mission assignments that come to us from time to time. This painting represents a symbol of our own struggles of faith and endurance, and how Jesus helps us through it all. He truly does love us. He knows what we're going through because he went through it himself. Untold times he called upon his father to help him in his struggles and received that reassuring help. When we call upon him for help he is mighty to save. We realize that a power greater than ourselves is there helping us.