Note: All unframed prints will come rolled in a tube. Please inquire at clarkkelleyprice@gmail.com if you would like your canvas print mounted or gallery wrapped. Framed paper prints come with matting on the edges. Framed canvas prints will have no matting. Please click here for additional frame options for this print and send us an email to order.
About this Art:
Packing into the mountains with horses for several days is a very pleasurable experience. When you first leave civilization to go into the wilderness with a pack string of horses, you’re full of the tensions and restraints of civilized life. As each day passes in the wilderness, you relax more and more. You get the stresses and tensions of civilization out of your soul, so by the time you have to come back, you are completely unwound. Nature has sunk into your soul and calmed you down. You’re much more at peace.The noises and demands of civilized life have fled and you are one with nature. It’s a very, very good feeling.