Note: All unframed prints will come rolled in a tube. Please inquire at clarkkelleyprice@gmail.com if you would like your canvas print mounted or gallery wrapped. Framed paper prints come with matting on the edges. Framed canvas prints will have no matting.
About this Art:
Kids growing up in the United States back in the 40's, 50's, and 60's were influenced a great deal by the western cowboy heroes portrayed in the movies and on television. These heroes such as Gene Autry, Roy Rogers, and many others always stood for the right. They fought for the right, defended the right, and defended the ideals of the United States of America. That spirit of patriotism and love of God and country has permeated the American Cowboy culture. I personally have never ridden with a cowboy who did not have that spirit burning inside of him, and I've known a lot of cowboys. The cowboy spirit is about as pure American as you can get - loyalty to God, country and family - so that painting was my tribute to the American Cowboy and the reverence he has for this great country and for God and family.