Crossing the Firehole
Crossing the Firehole
Crossing the Firehole

Crossing the Firehole

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Note: All unframed prints will come rolled in a tube. Please inquire at if you would like your canvas print mounted or gallery wrapped. Frame 110111 for the 10x15 and 16x24 is 3" wide. The 110111 frame for the 24x36 is 4.375" wide. N509-14 is 2.5" wide and is shown here with the 10x15 size.

About this Art:

The Firehole River is located in modern-day Yellowstone Park. Several hot water geysers drain into the river. In the old days when mountain men and trappers frequented the area, it must have been quite a sight to see the geysers. John Colter, who discovered Yellowstone Park, told stories about what he saw and many people thought he was lying about it. But later when it was found out to be true, they called it “Colter’s Hell”. John Colter was also a member of the Lewis and Clark expedition.