Note: All unframed prints will come rolled in a tube. Please inquire at clarkkelleyprice@gmail.com if you would like your canvas print mounted or gallery wrapped. Framed paper prints come with matting on the edges. Framed canvas prints will have no matting. Please click here for additional frame options for this print and send us an email to order.
About this Art:
There’s a term called “powder river let 'er buck”. "Powder river" is a shortened version of that terminology. It’s something that is sometimes said when a horse starts to buck and essentially means “let ‘er buck”. This painting depicts something that usually happens early in the morning on a roundup, if you’ve got some horses that are known to be buckers or still being trained. The cowboys will ride them during the roundup, but they can be a little unpredictable and sometimes in the morning they will buck. They’re real frisky in the morning, full of energy from grazing all night. Their backs can be cold if it was a cool night, and they don't like the saddle being put on their back. In this painting, the cowboys have eaten breakfast at the chuckwagon, saddled their horses, and now the horse is bucking and it’s almost like watching a little rodeo.