Note: All unframed prints will come rolled in a tube. Please inquire at clarkkelleyprice@gmail.com if you would like your canvas print mounted or gallery wrapped.
Frame N509-14 is 2.5" wide
Brown and black frames are 3" wide.
About this Art:
There's a cabin that looks like this (well, it used to look like this, as you'll find out) in the southern part of Star Valley, Wyoming. I always liked that cabin. The people who owned it used to keep horses and sheep there. Every year I would see that cabin, and every year it would cave in just a little bit more and get a little deeper sway in the ridge-line of the roof. Over a 30-year period, it swayed down more and more every year until finally it caved. This is just one of my memories I have of this cabin when it was a little bit younger and still standing.